
American Arthuriana

Burial where the hero had been happy


Lancelot's castle was named Joyous Gard
Source of illustration: Matthews, page 50


Gus and Clara as portrayed by Robert Duvall and Anjelica Huston have a picnic in Nebraska years after they had been sweethearts in Texas


Woodrow as portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones buries Gus at Clara's orchard

Lancelot and Guinevere

As Lancelot is dying, he asks that his body be taken to Joyous Gard, the castle where he and Guinevere had been happy together. Malory writes:

‘My fair lords,’ said Sir Launcelot, ‘wit you well my careful body will into the earth. I have warning more than now I will say; therefore give me my rites.’

So when he was houselled and eneled, and had all that a Christian man ought to have, he prayed the Bishop that his fellows might bear his body to Joyous Gard.

‘Howbeit,’ said Sir Launcelot, ‘me repenteth sore, but I made mine avow sometime, that in Joyous Gard I would be buried. And because of breaking mine avow, I pray you all, lead me thither.’ (Volume 2, page 528)

Gus and Clara

As Gus is dying, he asks Woodrow to bury him at a place where he and Clara had been happy. McMurtry writes:

“The favor I want from you will be my favor to you,” Augustus said. “I want to be buried in Clara’s orchard… In Texas. By that little grove of live oaks on the south Guadalupe...”

“My God,” Call said... “You want me to haul you to Texas? We just got to Montana.”

“I know where you just got,” Augustus said. ..."I have no doubt you’ll miss me. You’ll probably die of boredom this winter and I’ll never get to Clara’s orchard.”

“Why do you call it that?”

“We had picnics there,” Augustus said. “I took to calling it that. It pleased Clara. I could please her oftener in those days.”

“Well, but is that any reason to go so far to be buried?” Call said.

“Yes, ...we had our happiness in Texas,” Augustus said. “It was my best happiness, too.” (Page 783)